Monday, September 1, 2008

Easy Nurturing for a Hectic Life


By Jason Mannino

August 20, 2008

In my last article I discussed how easy it is to become overwhelmed. Particularly,

while juggling multiple projects, whether personal or professional. When overwhelmed one is often never present where they really are, which is right where they are. Rather at any given moment they are already onto their next item on the "to do" list and not fully engaged with what is in front of them. With this kind of existence it is easy to run ourselves ragged and even forget to receive nurturing from others or ourselves. I have provided a simple list of ways you can allow yourself to be present to nurturing from others and yourself in your some of your most mundane day-to-day activities. Some of what is outlined below may sound a little silly. However, consider that when you were four or five and freely allowed yourself to be really silly that this was one of the times in your life when you were effortlessly connected to source and trusted that you were unconditionally cared for.

  1. More than just a haircut

While getting your haircut or "done," (I have found that men seem to say "haircut" and women seem to say "getting my hair done.") allow yourself to become real present in the salon chair. Take a few deep breaths and bring your awareness to the hands of the person doing this job for you. Simply acknowledge to yourself that someone is taking care of your hair, and therefore, taking care of you. Become real present to the person's hands in your hair, the scissors cutting your hair, and the process of having your physical appearance cared for by another. This will bring you into a very relaxed state and you may even experience some quiet bliss in the awareness that another human being is nurturing you.

  1. More than just eating in restaurants

Take a moment to make a human connection with your waitperson. Make it a habit to ask them their name and treat them like a human being as opposed to someone serving you food. When you make this human connection you consciously begin to have the experience of another human being taking care of you. It feels good to be more fully present in the moment, enjoy your meal, and let yourself be taken care of. Becoming fully present means relaxing where you are as opposed to worrying about where you have to rush off to when your finished eating. You can do this on your lunch hour at work even if you only have 20 minutes.

3. More than just a cup of coffee

Make eye contact with the person who serves you coffee everyday. Bring your awareness to feeling grateful that at any given time you can walk into your favorite café and there is someone there to serve you your coffee or tea. The gratitude you feel will connect you authentically with the fact that there are people all over the place whose role is to care for you. Yes, even if it is just serving you your coffee. You can do this at your dry cleaner, grocery store, theater or movie ticket box office. You can do this anywhere you are receiving a service and it is their job to take care of you. The more you bring your consciousness to that idea the more you will experience it.

4 More than just a workout

I encourage you to exercise consciously. Coach yourself to be present in your body during your workout. Guide yourself through a quick body meditation by bringing your awareness to your breath and your entire body before beginning the workout. Than if you are lifting weights, between each set continue doing breath meditation and visualize yourself moving powerfully through your next set. You will feel stronger and more empowered when you get to the set. If you are doing cardio, in your minds eye visualize yourself having the body you desire. You can also run an affirmation while doing your cardio. An affirmation I use during cardio is, "I have a beautiful, muscular, healthy body that supports my mission and purpose in life." Approaching your workout from this perspective will support you in bringing your consciousness to having a workout that actually nurtures you as opposed to one more chore you have to get through before the day is over.

Of course in order to feel loved and nurtured you yourself need to come from a loving place with people. Sometimes as we run through our hectic lives it is easy to forget that the person who is actually providing us with a valuable service (as mundane and simple as the service may seem) is actually a human being. Take a moment to really look people in the eye and let them know you appreciate what they do for you. This exchange of nurturing and appreciation will support your life perspective in being much more peaceful and graceful even during the most hectic moments of the day.