Saturday, July 5, 2008


Your reality, ultimately, is a reflection of your thinking; particularly, when your thoughts are expressed through speech and writing. From birth we are programmed like a computer. Data and programs go in and stay there unless you make a decision to purge them. Sometimes you are unaware that those programs are running. Your hard drive becomes overloaded and begins to run very slowly. It may shut programs down while you are using them. Overall you are just not getting the results that you go for. You then have to look for these programs and delete them or you will continue to get undesired results.

As a child you are programmed by the adult figures in our life. You take what they say and internalize it as truth. Often times these thoughts are negative. They penetrate your subconscious and influence your behavior and the results that show up in your reality. They stay with you until you make the conscious choice to go in and delete these old files and programs. They also become the mental blocks that can keep you from achieving your goals. When you change your thoughts and process negative subconscious patterns driving your thoughts your life will change. There are many ways to address subconscious thought. They include meditation, conscious breathwork, hypnosis, NLP, etc.

One powerful mental blockbuster is positive self-talk in the form of affirmations. An affirmation is a positive statement. It is expressed from the present tense in support of shifting your negative thoughts and manifesting a goal or intention. Also, affirmations are great for processing the subconscious. The simple act of shifting negative beliefs and stating a positive affirmation unique to your life will trigger the ego. This will bring an emotional response from your subconscious into awareness illustrating what may be lurking underneath. Then you can resolve your unseen negative thought patterns.

The most effective method I have found in utilizing affirmations is a writing exercise. In this exercise divide a sheet of paper in two columns. Label the left column “affirmation” and the right column “response.” In the left column write your affirmation. Take a breath. When a negative response surfaces write it in the response column. The response column allows you to purge negative beliefs. When you state an affirmation always use your name in the present tense. For example: In the affirmation column your affirmation may read "I, your name, am now doing what I love and making an abundant living." Your response column response may be "You can't be a dreamer and bring home the bacon."

With a new affirmation I strongly suggest you use this exercise once a day for a week. Write the affirmation and a response at least 15 times. You will know it is working when you suddenly discover that the responses you are writing become positive and support your affirmation. For instance, in the example above, your response may sound like “This is fun!” You will also know it is working if you do not have a response at all and you are feeling relaxed and peaceful after writing your affirmation. Don’t be fooled by the simplicity of this exercise. Transformation doesn’t have to be arduous.

In addition, I suggest speaking your new affirmation out loud. Write it or type it on a piece of paper and place it near your bed, on your bathroom mirror, in your car, in your office or anywhere you can regularly see it. In the morning when you are getting ready to leave for the day look at yourself in the mirror and state the affirmation. Repeat the affirmation out loud while you are driving. Spend five minutes a day in your office working with your affirmation.

I have seen people shift negative beliefs, change circumstances, and manifest their goals literally within two weeks using this tool. If you use this consistently with intense focus it can have powerful results for you too!

Copyright 2008-2012 Jason Mannio. All Rights Reserved

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